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I have a cheerful face, honest and devoted person, a woman with a sense of humor. I know how to have fun and I love to laugh. You don't have to be into all the same things as me, but make me happy, and I'll drive you crazy!
CairnsCairns, Queenslandlocation_on
Female | 36 | Straight

I'm so sad right now that I'd like to wake up finding messages like "Good morning honey" and not to "Virus Alert! Time to clean your Mac!"
MelbourneMelbourne, Victorialocation_on
Female | 39 | Straight

Chur! Drinking red wine is what I love to do most of the time. I have a good amount of savings, letting me feel secure. Now that I have reached my golden years, I don't worry about anything. I do what I want, and I enjoy life to the fullest. From tim...
HastingsHastings, Hawke's Baylocation_on
Female | 73 | Straight

I am a firm believer of a balanced diet and one thing that I always make sure is that I eat someone out every once in a while. Eating someone out is a crucial part of a balanced diet.
HamiltonHamilton, Waikatolocation_on
Female | 30 | Straight