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I believe that the saying, "Birds with the same feather flock together" is true. I said that because I have proven that I get along well with people who are naughty and playful just like me. So, if you are like that, send me a message.
AucklandAuckland, Aucklandlocation_on
Female | 25 | Straight
I am a good girl with a naughty side. So I’m warning you now, you should forgive my fingers as early as now because the moment they find your body, I swear they will definitely lose themselves.
ChristchurchChristchurch, Canterburylocation_on
Female | 31
One flaw that I will tell you about me is that there are times that I become aggressive. I tend to be wild and rough especially during times inside the bedroom.
AucklandAuckland, Aucklandlocation_on
Female | 28 | Straight
I am not looking for something serious right now. I simply want a friend whom I can have all kinds of conversations with because sometimes the best way to stay close to the person you love most is to just be a friend.
DunedinDunedin, Otagolocation_on
Female | 37 | Straight